Pygame_sdl2, as packaged with RAPT is probably the best solution -
depending on if it supports the subset of pygame that you're using.

I threw together a git repository that has a sample game that can be
packaged. You can check it out at:

The in there shows how to handle the APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND
(sleep) and APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND (resume) events, which most Android apps
will want to handle.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you're having trouble - this code works
well with Ren'Py, but I don't think many people have tried it with more
general Pygame code.

> On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 7:14 PM tom arnall <> wrote:
>> are there any people on this list who are big into porting pygame apps
>> to android?

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