On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 4:11 AM tom arnall <kloro2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> what is the relationship between RenPy and Pygame?
Ren'Py is a game engine that people use to make specific types of generally
narrative-heavy games. Visual Novels, Life Simulations, and simple RPGs are
all within what Ren'Py was intended to help make.

For ten years, Ren'Py was based on Pygame, to the point where the Pygame
API is included in various places in the Ren'Py API. About a year ago, it
became clear that SDL2 would be necessary for Ren'Py to keep supporting
Android and add iOS support, so we wrote Pygame_sdl2, a reimplementation of
the Pygame API over SDL2. (Pygame_sdl2 isn't complete, as it needs help
from people who understand buffers and the pygame test suite.)

Ren'Py has a number of tools that are used to package games for mobile
platforms - RAPT is used for Android, while Renios is used for iOS. These
tools are generally written in a way that they can be used to package
arbitrary games written using pygame_sdl2.

Ren'Py itself also comes with a launcher that can one-click package a
Ren'Py game for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux - with a few more clicks, it
also takes care of Android and iOS packaging. This isn't designed to work
with arbitrary pygame code, but could plausibly be changed to do so.

Due to terrible social skills, I haven't really contributed much of this
Ren'Py work back to pygame - and the one project I did contribute, pygs4a,
turned out to be a technological dead end. I'm trying to change this, if
people are interested.

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