
thanks very much!

btw at:

there are instructions for putting a pygame application into an apk,
but there is no mention of what must be done to the pygame application
code to make it android-ready. For exampe, there is no mention of
'import android'. why is this?


Tom Arnall

Faced with the possibility of its extinction, every species finds
within itself powers unimaginable in the days of its complacency.

On 7/21/15, Tom Rothamel <> wrote:
> Pygame_sdl2, as packaged with RAPT is probably the best solution -
> depending on if it supports the subset of pygame that you're using.
> I threw together a git repository that has a sample game that can be
> packaged. You can check it out at:
> The in there shows how to handle the APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND
> (sleep) and APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND (resume) events, which most Android apps
> will want to handle.
> Hope this helps, and let me know if you're having trouble - this code works
> well with Ren'Py, but I don't think many people have tried it with more
> general Pygame code.
>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 7:14 PM tom arnall <> wrote:
>>> are there any people on this list who are big into porting pygame apps
>>> to android?


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