
thanks very much for the information. I'm sure i'll be back with more
questions about it soon ;o)



Faced with the possibility of its extinction, every species finds
within itself powers unimaginable in the days of its complacency.

On 7/22/15, Tom Rothamel <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 4:11 AM tom arnall <> wrote:
>> what is the relationship between RenPy and Pygame?
> Ren'Py is a game engine that people use to make specific types of generally
> narrative-heavy games. Visual Novels, Life Simulations, and simple RPGs are
> all within what Ren'Py was intended to help make.
> For ten years, Ren'Py was based on Pygame, to the point where the Pygame
> API is included in various places in the Ren'Py API. About a year ago, it
> became clear that SDL2 would be necessary for Ren'Py to keep supporting
> Android and add iOS support, so we wrote Pygame_sdl2, a reimplementation of
> the Pygame API over SDL2. (Pygame_sdl2 isn't complete, as it needs help
> from people who understand buffers and the pygame test suite.)
> Ren'Py has a number of tools that are used to package games for mobile
> platforms - RAPT is used for Android, while Renios is used for iOS. These
> tools are generally written in a way that they can be used to package
> arbitrary games written using pygame_sdl2.
> Ren'Py itself also comes with a launcher that can one-click package a
> Ren'Py game for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux - with a few more clicks, it
> also takes care of Android and iOS packaging. This isn't designed to work
> with arbitrary pygame code, but could plausibly be changed to do so.
> Due to terrible social skills, I haven't really contributed much of this
> Ren'Py work back to pygame - and the one project I did contribute, pygs4a,
> turned out to be a technological dead end. I'm trying to change this, if
> people are interested.


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