On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 15:31, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here are the options for handling non-compliant extension modules:
> 1. do nothing (extensions may break in ways that are hard for users to
> deal with)
> 2. raise ImportError if an extension without PEP 489 support is
> imported in a subinterpreter
> 3. add a per-interpreter isolated mode (default) that provides the
> behavior of #2, where non-isolated gives #1
> At this point my plan was go with #2, to avoid giving extension
> authors the pain that comes with #1.  If we went with #3, at least
> during the provisional phase, it would allow extension authors to try
> out their extensions in subinterpreters.

This seems sensible to me - #2 ensures that we don't get weird bugs
from users trying things that we know they shouldn't be doing. I'm not
sure how much advantage #3 would have, presumably extension authors
wanting to "try out" subinterpreters would at some point have to mark
them as importable as per #2, so why not just do that much and then
see what else needs changing? But I don't know the C API for
subinterpreters, so maybe there are complexities I don't understand,
in which case having #3 probably makes more sense in that context.

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