On 11/22/2014 11:13 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:
>> On Nov 23, 2014, at 1:49 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> I took the git knowledge I acquired by necessity at Red Hat and
>> figured out how to apply it to hg. All the same features are there in
>> hg, they're just switched off by default (mainly because the core
>> Mercurial devs are adamant that any potentially history destroying
>> operation in a version control system must be opt-in).

If you could find the time to write up something about that I'm sure it would 
be helpful.  :)

>> We already have lots of potential contributors (if we didn't, review
>> bandwidth wouldn't be the bottleneck the way it is today), and the
>> functional differences between GitHub and BitBucket from a barrier to
>> entry perspective are so low as to be trivial.
> That’s not really true. It’s more than just “can I log in”, potential
> contributors are more likely to already know how to use Github too and
> are more likely to not want to deal with another site. I know personally
> if I see a project is on bitbucket my chances of contributing to that
> project drop drastically, even if they are using git on bitbucket,
> just because I know that I’m going to get frustrated to some degree.

I feel the same way, only in reverse.  I've learned hg, and to a lesser extent 
bitbucket, but have not learned git nor
github, and would rather not (available bandwidth and all that).

>> Moving from self-hosted Mercurial repos to externally hosted Mercurial
>> repos is a low risk change. It reduces maintenance overhead and lowers
>> barriers to external contribution, both without alienating existing
>> contributors by forcing them to change their workflows.
>> Proposing to *also* switch from Mercurial to git significantly
>> increases the cost of the change, while providing minimal incremental
>> benefit.

Whatever our personal feelings of hg vs git, and bitbucket vs github, that 
makes sense.


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