Hi all,

I have been trying to get assistance from a number of places with this, but
no luck. I'm working with someone on this and we REALLY need to get this
figured out. We can pay a small fee for help. I'm working w/ another artist
on this. Here's lowdown:

I'm trying to animate 5 rigid bodies that appear and interact/collide at
different intervals. I'm working with someone on this, trying to help them
and I've suggested animating the rigid bodies on/off, collision layers and
a few other options. But it needs to be done w/ python. How would I do
this? Here's some more info, from the artist:
*I am able to have bodies fall and make contact with other bodies. That is
working well. What I haven’t been able to do is sequence the falling bodies
to start at different times. Either by starting a dynamics run, stop it,
add another rigid body and start it again or by placing all the bodies and
holding them in place until I need them during the run.*
"I need to create a simple script to drop a ball on a flat plate and then
drop another ball on to the same flat plate 1 second later. But I need to
keyframe the transparency, Rigid Body Active on/off, Collision Layers, and
several other Channel Box parameters. One ball falls, then later the second
one appears, and falls. Eventually there would be 5 objects doing this, and
selectively interact only certain objects."

They need to do this with 1000 objects so they will need to script it. ANY
help to just get started with the first couple would be greatly appreciated!

Again, we can pay. I'm not sure how much but I'm pretty sure this would be
quick work for someone versed in Python and Maya.


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