That’s a good idea!

For starters you shouldn’t be popping undo/redo methods otherwise it
immediately gets lost after you undo.

Indeed, was hoping to find a way around that, and it looks like what you’ve
got here should work. Didn’t know the command class was instantiated per
call, that is really helpful, as it means I can store stuff in the instance
and let Maya keep track of the order of calls itself.

Here is one possible way of doing it:

Aw shucks. Doesn’t appear to work on Windows..

# Traceback (most recent call last):#   File "<maya console>", line 1,
in <module>#   File "<string>", line 2, in apiUndo# RuntimeError:
Cannot convert argument 0 to float.# # Traceback (most recent call
last):# #   File "C:/.../apiundo/", line 73, in doIt# #
undo_id = long(args.asDouble(0))# # TypeError: Cannot convert argument
0 to float. #

Was also a little weary of _ctypes.

However I managed to remove the need to pop at least, by storing undo/redo
in the shared member, and passing them to the instance of the command class
like in your example!

   - Like this

Thanks Serguei, making progress!


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