Just tested against the newer zip/unzip.  Results:

1) can't mix the new unzip with the old zip (IE: separate email to use what came with the demo)

2) non-QDOS extensions - don't know why these were showing up but don't using the newer zip/unzip

3) the newer zip (at least its defaults) is slower to zip but not bad

4) using the new zip/unzip, the only thing that I see is a warning in SBASIC window 0 that the signal extensions were not found.
- this did not impact the installation so can be addressed with a quick note in the readme file (fully verified)
-> much better than having to worry about making the user install extra stuff to run the installer

5) I do a separate check as I copy files from the install directory to the main directory (do this independently for several reasons). If a file is missing, the install will abort with an appropriate message and information in the log file.

Does anyone know why unzip is looking for the signal extensions and what they add? It would be nice to have a copy available or a command line option that would totally avoid this minor inconvenience, especially in this case or for new users. People tend to panic over notes like this ;)


On Dec 30, 2004, at 4:00 PM, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

ÎÎÎ Thu, 30 Dec 2004 15:19:15 -0800,Î(Î) James Hunkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ÎÎÏÎÏÎ/wrote:

Actually yes AND no... Infounzip needs the signal extensions but will function properly (well sort of) without them :-)



Just what is this "(well sort of)" behavior you are describing?

Your installer is C based right? Well with the signal extensions you can verify that the commands that you fed unzip were executed properly and that the return code was 0. Otherwise you have no means to know (other than visually confirming it) that the installation/unzipping process was completed the way it was supposed to

the copy of unzip that I included with the demo, I get some warning about non-qdos extensions or something but that is just a warning and hopefully will be ignored by everyone.

Non QDOS extensions?

Were files zipped at the QL level or at the "DOS" level (I mean outside QPC that I know you use)

Phoebus _______________________________________________ QL-Users Mailing List http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm

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