
I only want to play 20KHz samples to avoid the need for duplicate files
across QPC2 and Qx0. Im not sure Rich did solve the problem, as QWord -
beautiful as it looks on the Q60! - only beeps there, while it plays sampled
sounds on QPC2.


No, The Q60 DOES play sounds (I know because I have tried it :-) I did have both a Q60 and Q40 here so I tried both sides. I looked up my IM and email exchange with Rich on the matter and I remembered that Wolfgang's player initialises everything at 20KHz, which messes up the sound4_bin driver. However if you play a file with copy foobar_ub TO SOUNDx first, the problem is gone.
As for QWord on the Q60's sound not working, make sure:

a. That the installer did copy all the files properly.
b. Run config from the Qword directory and instruct QWord as to the appropriate subdirectory to find the sound files... One problem I have run into is that if you manually install QWord in a "deeper" subdirectory the sound file names get truncated or exceed the ability of the background Music task to correctly copy them to RAM (where it plays them from). If the sound files are not found in RAM, QWord IIRC will not stop but will switch to BEEP sounds instead. BTW: BEEP sounds were messed up on SMSQ/e v. 3.03 > 3.07 but were fixed again on SMSQ/e >3.08

Wolfgang's music player is ONLY used for the PAUSE annoying theme (my bad ;-) ). In general if you can copy the UB files from QWord to the SOUND devices installed by sound4_bin, QWord should be also playing sound (as it uses that sound driver -simplified things immensely-)

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