Dilwyn Jones writes:

>  QPAC2 is NOT as many assume a more recent version of QPAC1!

But strangely enough QPAC2 is a successor to QRAM for all practical
purposes. However, most Qram utilities no longer work with the versions of
PE that came with and after Qpac2.

> The general advice seems to be to decide if you want maximum
> compatibility with older QL software, stick with QDOS, or if you
> want the benefits of the new facilities available under SMSQ/E you
> will need to go down that route.

But only if you want "maximum" compatibility. Most old programs will run, or
can be made to run, under PE. It is often not PE which is the problem with
older programs, rather their reliance on microdrives, or a reliance on fixed
locations for the screen or systems variables (ie poor programming
practises). Also upping the speed can render some old programs

Apart from those emulators that are designed to be hardware compatible with
the black box, one of the most versatile platforms to run old software,
IMHO, is QPC2. But it has the added advantage of running the bleeding edge
stuff too.


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