I've just had a thought...

Instead of building new hardware, reuse very common old hardware which is easy
to find on places such as eBay... i.e. Amiga 1200 etc.

Now, if someone could write a version of QDOS etc. for that platform which
could be burned onto ROM (the Amiga ROMs are easy to access and replace) that
would give the community an easy route for an upgrade without a massive cost
for the hardware.

(The Amiga 1200 has a built-in IDE interface and an internal
floppy drive. It also has reasonable 2D graphics performance, ample for the
QL-like display. Oh, and much of the original AmigaDOS was written by
Metacomco in BCPL on Sinclair QLs. :-) Maybe it's pay-back time?)

The alternative to replacing just the ROMs would be a "trap-door" add in
card.. but that raises the ugly head of hardware development.

The big problem with that approach, again, is driver development. However,
from what I understand, there's a lot of documentation for the Amiga hardware
so it's shouldn't be as bad as it might otherwise be.

What do you think?

Nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be.

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