Instead of building new hardware, reuse very common old hardware which is
easy to find on places such as eBay... i.e. Amiga 1200 etc.

> Yes I'm agree, this sound OK. But I searching an Amiga 1200 with a french
keyboard, and it's difficult to find one.

Now, if someone could write a version of QDOS etc. for that platform which
could be burned onto ROM (the Amiga ROMs are easy to access and replace)
that would give the community an easy route for an upgrade without a massive
cost for the hardware.

> This may take a while. But as the Amiga already have a QL emulator, a port
of QDOS may be facilitate.
> And if I have an Amiga 1200, I want to use both Amiga and QL on it.

(The Amiga 1200 has a built-in IDE interface and an internal floppy drive.
It also has reasonable 2D graphics performance, ample for the QL-like
display. Oh, and much of the original AmigaDOS was written by Metacomco in
BCPL on Sinclair QLs. :-) Maybe it's pay-back time?)

> Sure.

> I'm asking to myself if the new AmigaOne (based on PPC) should by more
suitable. But much more harder on development.
> I'm thinking that like many tentative made around all these new projects
needs both persons who worked on them and money. The rentability of such of
projects are very difficult to be reached.

> I need a 68K compatible platform to execute both QL, Amiga, Linux68K and
others, ..., but Q40/Q60 lets us watch that is expensive to get this kind of
system. And complete and running systems need plenty of time to be
integrated and installed (I guess as I dont't have one).

> There is a lot of emulators that's work well on PC. So I frequently used
QPC or WinUAE.
> Currently I'm working to create my own company and I searching if there is
a way to put into market this such of computers... And the only one response
I really find is that without an heavy investment we cannot get a large
selling 68K computer that make it cheap.

> As I think that work around SMS/Q and Q40/Q60 are still active, I want to
earn a lot of money in order to buy to system with the suite of softwares.
> I saw a lot of software I want to get, but prices are too expensive for me
at this time. And it's hard to see a lot of utilities that give you pretty
desktop in high resolution on QL...

> After this I still hesitate to buy some hardware because when I saw
products description, it's a bit difficult to make an opinion on certain
products. For example, I need to modify one of my 4 QL black box to get an
speedy serial port to make him communicate with a PC. In that case the
solution may be Hermes/ SuperHermes Lite or SuperHermes (between 82 to 140
euros) and I pretty sure that just buying this is not sufficient to get it
up and running (I think I have to build a cable, make a new box or put the
QL in a tower case, find a keyboard and...)

> An all of this just in order to save some software from destruction (for
exemple - I recently lose VROOM as the cartridge is now dead and I don't
know how to hack the protection - I had saved the files but not the original

> And what if the strategy to follow :
> 1. Using QXL/QXL2 - This is a ISA card, should be now usefull to get it
now in PCI Express or PCI format ?
> 2. QL with extensions - Well at this time this mean QL + SGC + Aurora +
Mplane + a new tower box, some hours ...
> 3. Emulation. Well QPC is very attractive but now I had to know what's
software to use (I want to use a C compiler, Basic Compiler and ...)
> 4. Q40/Q60 .. Yes a day certainly when I will have increased my knowledge
on QL
> And for what ? I still don't know ;-)
> So now, and it's because I cannot say "count me in for the new SGC for
exemple" is that I need the help of a "QL Master Expert Consultant" in order
to understand all of this.

> In fact I just need what : Preserve my old programs and games from
destruction and program in S*Basic (with compilation) and in C on QL.
> The suite QD+Qbasic+Qliberator is about 106 euros and C68 seems to be hard
to install ;-)

> I thinking onto rewrite completely my website to create a dedicated zone
for the QL where anyone can publish articles in order to create an "QL
Advanced Wiki for Technical and Newbies" - And not in english only ;-) !!!

What do you think?

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