>Hi Roy
>I think you too miss some of points I am making.
>I am arguing for a continuing mixed economy with a place for both emulators
>and hardware. I do not have a partisan stance on the emulator vs hardware
But look at the numbers of people. 10 maybe enthusing on the hardware as 
a platform. Not very convincing is it?
>Please do not take my comment about spof PCs so seriously, I am merely
>having had a bit of local difficulty in that my PC hard drived died a 
>few weeks
>ago. Hence I have been through a major salvage operation to  recover data that
>was not backed up (daughters mp3 tracks) followed by  the discovery that as my
>PC is obsolete ie the motherboard is 4 year old  buying a direct replacement
>hard disk is not a sensible option, instead I am  splashing out on a £350+
>upgrade. Reinstalling windows XP, recovering the  data and installing 
>the basic
>software I use took most of my spare  time for at least a week.
>I can recompile and install an new version of smsq/e from sources in  30-40
>minutes. I can reinstall my all software on Qx0 from compact flash  card in
>40minutes. There is one thing a Qx0 does better.
But this is a much more complex and sophisticated system. There is no 
comparison. If you could do on a QL what you can do in Windows you would 
not need Windows. That is the point.
>The second point about smsq/e is the critical issue as  Marcel is only one
>person and while he has promised to release qpc2 into the  wild when he loses
>interest I wonder who by then will have the programming  skills to keep QPC2
>upto date with the changing PC hardware &  software scene?
Well the code is open. Anyone can change it - is that not what they all 
clamoured for? And how many people have done anything? Well about the 
same number as extolled the virtues of old hardware (although not the 
same people). No one makes any effort - that is what kills the system. 
Not a licence.
>You said
>>But what would you use all the extra power for? What
>>software  would drive it. The only two programs that have pushed at the
>>envelope  in the last few years have been QWord and QDT. We would need
>>more than  that.
>OK Roy, software that, in my opinion benefits from more cpu power that  the
>supergoldcard can deliver:
>    SBASIC on a QX0. Comfortable editing,  multiple SBASICs run well so no
>need to
>    compile little tasks a they wont slow the  system down. Dont forget that
>    probably the killer "application" on the QL  scene
but it does not need any of higher power systems. Runs fine on a Gold 
>    Proforma and Prowess - juddery and barely usable on  SGcard, fun on Qx0
>and QPC2
Proforma is slugged by its own code. Re-write the code to be more 
efficient and it would run better. It is completely open source now.
>    QCDEZE runs OK on Aurora because its dumbed down,  nice in high colour on
OK I guess that is one but it is also not needed by QPC2.
>    Photo
Needs more than power - needs an application that is better than 
anything we have now.
Worked fine on my SGC Aurora system
>    Text87
Same as above but it is a very limited program. Needs a rewrite but that 
will not happen.
>    LYNX
Possibly but the same above applies.
>This is by no means an exhaustive list. The point is that a lot  of older
>software that pushed past the envelope run nicely on the Qx0 and QPC2 
>on decent
>PC.Other people starting from a different position than you or I would  like,
>from the comments on this list, a hardware route to that same level.  Because
>some are content and dont wish to upgrade is not a reason to deny others  the
>opportunity. The people most likely to want to upgrade could be the
>re-entrants to the QL scene and thats where this thread started.
No the older programs did well for their time but are now outdated and 
clunky in the extreme. New software with a modern approach is what we 
need but we have neither the programmers nor drive to do any of that.
>I think Malcolm Cadman summarised the need for a hardware upgrade route  well
>in his email.
Hardware does drive software to a degree but then you need the authors 
to be around to do the work. These are few and far between. Without 
Marcel we would have very few of our current developments. This is not 
Marcel's fault but ours. There is no one else who wants to make the 
effort/ can make the effort. Where does that leave us then?
Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030    fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501  skype : royqbranch
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