On 2 Mar 2011, at 17:05, Bob Spelten wrote:

>> On 2 Mar 2011, at 14:23, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
>>> One of the things I've realised I've probably never seen despite using it 
>>> so much myself  is a short (one-line) description of what the Window 
>>> Manager 2 is all about.
>> As I understand it it is this, briefly:
>> New WM vectors are provided dealing with GD2 colours. In particular there is 
>> WM.TRAP#3 which allows several trap#3 calls to set the new colours. These 
>> include setting colours for paper, strip, ink, block and border.
> Spoken like a true machine code programmer ;)

Thanks for the "true".

> How about this:
> WMAN2 provides support for up to 32K colours for PE window elements, direct 
> or through the use of 1 to 4 System Palettes or a User Palette set up in RAM.
> It also supports sprites in 8, 16 or 24 bit modes with Alpha masks or no 
> mask, with RLE compression, of sizes only limited by its window and chained 
> as extended sprites for each mode of the clickable items.

You can use GD2 colours via S*BASIC with WM_BLOCK instead of BLOCK etc. but 
presumably these do not rely in any way on the vectors of WMAN2. In fact WMAN2 
is provided just for assembler programmers isn't it?

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