Op Thu, 03 Mar 2011 00:17:46 +0100 schreef Marcel Kilgus <ql-us...@mail.kilgus.net>:


 - Introduced the extended colour modes
 - Can use high colour sprites
 - Can use alpha blending for the sprites
 - As sprite data can become huge, I added simple RLE compression

This probably means that somewhere in RAM an unpacked version is held and copied to the screen.
Is there any way to peek the location of this from SBasic?

 - For solid sprites, the mask can be omitted entirely

Your PNGCVT program can also make sprites with Bitmasks.
When I examined the sprite headers I found no difference between them.
For Bitmask or Solid mask, both mask pointers were zero.
The only difference I found were extra bytes for this Bitmask, a Word for every line it seems.
What's the reason for this Bitmask and how does GD2 keep them apart?

 - Sprites can be as huge as the screen (this change and the last one
   in effect makes sprites usable as a sort of QL graphics format.
When using this to display photographs, the size gain in using RLE is often minimal. :(

   The big advantage is that GD2 handles the colour mode conversions

Can I assume then that my mode 32 sprites will look alright on a mode 33 system?

 - introduced TRUE background I/O
 - can use a sprite as the input cursor
 - introduced "system sprites" (corresponding to the "system palette"
   users can exchange the sprites with their own and all compatible
   applications will use the new theme)

You provided some nice examples for this but how can I turn my own sprites into "system sprites" from SBasic?

As for PE for QDOS:
 - has all WMAN2 features except high colour support

As for the rest of the stuff listed under GD2 I'm not exactly sure.
Usually I tried to improve PTR_GEN enough so that apps developed for
SMSQ/E can still work under QDOS (i.e. when you use system sprites, it
will still work under QDOS). Under Minerva even the background I/O
support should work.

So far I have not been able to get a QDOS machine working with WM2.
Even a simple boot with just the PE and Qpac2 will, after a few clicks makes a mess of the button contents, not clean up a closed Files window and eventually freeze the system. :'(

Has anyone been successful at this?


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