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I am pleased to report there is a glimmer of hope for QLis30.

At the moment we are looking at the possibility of an event in Edinburgh, although the discussions are provisional.

We are thinking of a late Autumn one day event, preferably on a Saturday, at a venue near the airport.

A one day event is easier to get off the ground than a two day event for both financial and practical reasons with a greater choice of venues. One venue being considered is a church hall unavailable Sunday a.m.

It would be possible to have some activity such as a meal on the Friday. Some of you will remember the last show held in Portslade in 2007. The hall was booked for one day but we had a very successful dinner the night before at an unusual Belgian restaurant.

When the possibility of an event in Edinburgh was first raised some weeks ago several German QL-ers, very active in the QL-community, expressed an interest. We would like to get a group of developers and other highly active QL-ers together for both formal and informal contacts. We want a good cross fertilisation of ideas to hopefully give the QL a push forward.

I have agreed to work on the theme, programme and content, but will need quite a bit of feedback. To avoid this email becoming too long, I'll write again in a few days time,

Best wishes,

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