Ben Beuchler wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 07:11:52PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> > syslog timestamps are amazingly annoying to try to parse.  TAI64 is
> > trivial to parse.  This is a significant improvement.
> >
> > ISO date/time format would also have been easy to parse, and I would have
> > been slightly happier with that, but TAI64 is definitely a *huge*
> > improvement over syslog if you want to do anything at all automated with
> > the logs.
> OK.  I can see where that is a strong argument for TAI64n.  I have tried
> to develop a way of converting from TAI64n to a human readable format
> but I'm afraid I'm having difficulty comprehending the format.  Has
> anyone written any perl/python code that translates to a human readable
> format?  Or can offer a brief "pseudo-code" algorithm?
> Or even a more clear description of the format would be helpful.  Dan's
> writeup left me a bit lost...

Have you looked into using libtai in your app?  It's Dan's library for 
using tai, and could be linked with your application.  I currently 
trying to write a Python wrapper for it so I can use it from my Python 


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