Russell Nelson wrote:
>  > Also, some things are much better implemented as a change to
>  > the existing programs, rather than as an additional layer of
>  > programs.
> Try applying two patches to the same program.

That's not necessarily a problem, particularly when the patches affect
different areas of the code.

On the other hand, imagine there is a program that two people have written
additions for, and you want to include both of those additions.  If each
person releases the complete source to their version of the program, instead
of a patch to the original source, you'd have to wade through the program
source, twice, to figure out where the modifications are and how to combine

This problem can be circumvented by storing the complete source for every
possible combination of additions, but that's going to quickly max out your
storage space, not to mention the logistical nightmare of figuring out who
needs to give permission and who gets credit, etc.


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