Glen Vickers wrote:
Glen Vickers wrote:

I'm guessing that your problem is in the mysqld area.
.) is mysqld running (# service mysqld status) ?
.) any errors in /var/log/mysqld.log ?
.) do you get any sort of authentication failure message in the smtp log?
.) have you tried authenticating 'manually' in a telnet session?
Mysql is running, I have websites that use DB references and they are all
The log looks clean.  No error messages I see.

I am able to telnet.  It freaks out at this command

rcpt to [email address]
511 sorry, you must specify a domain (#5.1.1 - chkuser)

I have tried both internal and external address with the same message from
telnet. When I check the log all I see is
@4000000049d63aed2c06ab04 CHKUSER accepted null sender: from <::> remote
< ADDRESS)> rcpt <> : accepted null sender
Which shows up after a MAIL FROM command.

It's expecting "rcpt to:" (not sure if you forgot the : or not).
It sounds like your Squirrelmail config got messed up and it is not authenticating. Run the file (or remove squirrelmail-toaster and then reinstall) to make sure that it's authenticating. You yum probably busted because it wanted some files and was not able to get them since yum for FC6 went dead a couple years ago.

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