> On Jun 6, 2016, at 11:33 AM, Jaime Lerner <jaimeler...@geekgoddess.com> wrote:
> What do you have in your /etc/resolv.conf file?  If you have the ipv6 IPs for 
> Google in there rather than the ipv4 IPs, maybe that's your issue?

Sheesh. That was it! It had the ipv6 addresses in it.Changed the addresses to 
ipv4, that should take care of that. Thanks (again!)

Still stuck on the segfaults, though :( There’s a history of this kind of 
segfaults on RH systems that go back a few years; it’s strange because the 
symptoms are the same as when I couldn’t authenticate to the machine because 
the softlimit in /var/qmail/supervise/submission/run was too low. Since I 
raised it, I’m not having problems myself, but the segfaults that are occurring 
are identical. 

I might go through and do a more thorough shutdown of ipv6 on the box - there 
are a few clues here and there that it might be related in some distant way. 
Maybe it’s even related to the /etc/resolv.conf issue. I’ll see how it goes 
through the day.

Steve Linberg, Chief Goblin
Silicon Goblin Technologies
Be kind.  Remember, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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