On 28/09/2011, at 10:20 PM, <henry.haveri...@nokia.com> 
<henry.haveri...@nokia.com> wrote:

> Rohan wrote:
>> I have some comments on the target platforms.
>>    On all platforms, Open GL (ES) 2.0 is required.
>>    linux-x86-32-gcc-x11     Ubuntu Linux 10.04 ×86 32 bit, X11
>>    linux-x86-64-gcc-x11     Ubuntu Linux 10.04 ×86 64 bit, X11
>>    linux-x86-32-gcc-wayland         Linux Ubuntu 10.04 ×86 32-bit, Wayland
>> I think that Ubuntu 10.04 maybe too old already.  The Mesa version shipped
>> on that Ubuntu can't do GLES2.0 AFAIK.  Also I think there is no wayland
>> compositor available out-of-the-box.  In other words, to actually test Qt5
>> with wayland and GLES2.0 on Ubuntu 10.04, you probably have to change the
>> environment to the point where it's no longer accurate to call it "Ubuntu
>> 10.04".
>> We already plan to test with Ubuntu 11.10 in CI, so the question is whether
>> or not 10.04 should be kept as well.
> Probably not. I updated the table for now along these lines. 

I would strongly recommend you include Ubuntu LTS releases in your CI. These 
are specifically meant to be long-lived and so, by definition, won't go away 
quickly. Yes, plenty of people move to the latest and greatest versions, but I 
think talk of removing 10.04 from the CI is premature at this stage. Granted, 
it's been out for 2 years now, but my understanding is that it is still the 
most recent LTS release available. 10.04 is apparently supported on desktops 
until April 2013 (longer on servers - April 2015, but that's probably not 
feasible to support in the CI).

> Thiago, Craig: if we later agree to use something LSB based, let's then 
> update this. I changed the headings of the table to indicate that we're 
> specifying the CI system configuration, rather than the reference platform, 
> that might indeed be a bit more abstract and general..
>>    linux-arm7-gcc-wayland   Linux, ARM7, Wayland    gcc 4.5 ?
>> The platform must be specified more completely.  Right now it specifies that
>> the kernel is Linux, CPU is ARMv7, "wayland" is used somehow and gcc 4.5
>> may be used.  There's a lot of gaps to be filled in :) We should find some
>> existing platform which fits these specs, and specify that as the target
>> instead.  If such a thing doesn't exist then I guess we shouldn't target it.
> It'd be good  to find a configuration in the CI for this. I documented that 
> we need to specify this in more detail.
>>    osx-10.7-64    Apple Mac OS X 10.7 “Lion” Cocoa 64 bit
>>    osx-10.6-64    Apple Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” Cocoa 64 bit
>>    osx-10.6-32    Apple Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” Cocoa 32 bit
>> Out of the listed platforms, Macs are the most expensive and least reliable
>> for CI purposes, so it would be really great if we could cut these down a 
>> bit.
>> At least testing 32-bit OSX 10.6 in CI is probably a waste (?)  I would like 
>> to go
>> even further and do Qt 5.0 CI with OSX >= 10.7 only.  Older OSX could still
>> have some release testing if it's perceived as valuable.
> It would indeed be good to keep the list of reference configurations shorter. 
> I moved 10.6 to the second table (platforms we would like to support). 
> (Well, I believe Tier 1 has been so far defined to be included in the CI, but 
> anyways.)

Again, I think suggesting that OSX 10.6 be dropped from the CI for Qt5 is 
premature. Heck, 10.7 has only been out a few months and there's still plenty 
of reasons why people would be cautious about updating to it, especially in the 
Enterprise world. The Qt 4.7 branch does not formally support 10.7 (you get 
warnings to that effect when you compile with it). The Qt 4.8 branch does 
support OSX 10.7, but Qt 4.8 hasn't even been released yet. It would seem 
prudent to keep OSX 10.6 in the CI for a while, at least in the initial stages 
of Qt5 to ensure that there are no compatibility surprises. I'm well aware of 
the cost of having to support OSX builds (we have to do likewise for our own 
software), since you can't legally virtualise it like you can the other 
platforms. Maybe someone with friends at Apple can convince them to sponsor a 
build server or two for you? :-P

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

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