  I was 21 when I had my accident and am now 30. I had a chance to get married 
to a woman 3 yrs ago and have dated a few since then. I think my greatest 
obstacle is will the relationship be like it would have been when I was a 
walking man, or will the woman control and treat me less than a man. I was with 
this girl for 3 years and I felt the control getting more and more. I was 
afraid to leave my dads house and venture out with this woman because after I 
would have left theirs no going back. 
  Dont get me wrong I enjoyed the time I had with this woman, but I couldnt get 
over the fear of total control.Maybe just the wrong woman. When Im sitting 
alone, I get sad  thinking that I may never experience, kids, marriage or 
family life. But if attaining these things as a quad means you have to bow down 
and make the relationship all about the walking individual, I guess being alone 
is better. 
  I realize everyones personal experiences and perspectives are different. 
Someday I hope to have it figured out with no regret whatever I choose.

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