In a message dated 4/3/2009 3:33:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Anyway,  I am having "high risk" LDL cholesterol (160) in the check up. I 
don't know  what to do.

Doctors say, need to exercise and change food habit. As a  quad I don't have 
much movement. I wonder, how other quads control their  cholesterol ? I will 
love to hear from any of you.

I'm experiencing the same as you. First off I need to mention high  
cholesterol runs high in my family but it finally caught up to me. I'm taking  
to lower my cholesterol but after my last Dr. appointment my  triglyceride 
(blood fat) is sky high. He told me the same thing. Excercise  and get on a 
lowfat diet. I feel helpless about the exercise but feel guilty if  I have a 
or small scoop of ice-cream.
I was on Lipitor but had to go off it because my body hurt EXTREMELY (side  
effect, muscle or and joint pain) I felt like I was having a bad U.T.I. So he  
switched me to Welchol but it has no effect on triglyceride. So on my next  
check-up , he'll probably give me something for this.
I'm about 25 pounds overweight but other than seeing a dietitian, I don't  
have a clue about the exercise.
I didn't help much but I'm wondering if your doctor gave you cholesterol  
I'm interested in any feed back also.
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