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On Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 10:46:25PM -0500, Jean-Philippe Ouellet wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 8:59 PM, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:
> > I think handling contributions there can be easily automated with
> > https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1818
> > So, the only actual work needed, will be reviewing changes, then adding
> > a signed tag. Everything else will be handled automatically.
> I think an important open question is: How should code-reviews be tracked?
> I think qubes-builder's model of not having untrusted code in the
> place that trusted code may be expected [1] is a good model. The same
> can be applied here with respect to pushing un-reviewed vs.
> peer/qubes-core reviewed code to "official" repos.
> I imagine this:
> 1) A community member comes up with some cool thing they want to add
> to qubes, which is clearly additional separate functionality that does
> not belong in a core repo. (Thinking qubes-app-linux-* here.)
> 2) The community member writes said code in their own repo.
> 3) When they consider it v1.0, they propose for it to be added to the
> set of core-approved community-contributed things.
> 4) The code is reviewed by core qubes people (and hopefully other
> community members) and a the reviewed copy is added to a newly created
> github.com/qubesos-contrib/qubes-app-foo-bar repo.
> 5) The community member makes some additional changes (features, bug
> fixes, etc.) and pushes it to their own repo, and opens a pull request
> to the qubesos-contrib/... repo.
> 6) The updates are reviewed, and if OK, merged.
> This maintains the invariant that qubesos-contrib/... repos (all heads
> of all branches) are always in a reviewed (and hopefully trustworthy)
> state, which I argue is a nice property.

As we don't trust the external infrastructure, everything downloaded
from the network have signatures checked - this include checking git
tags on git fetch/pull. And I think exactly this mechanism can be used
to mark reviewed code. So, a community member could push a code to
qubesos-contrib/... repo, then wait for it being reviewed - and when got
reviewed, will get tagged by qubes core team. This will allow (and
actually will trigger) build process.
Depending only on github repo permissions is against the rule of not
trusting the infrastructure.

Also, I think it will be less work for qubes team to just stick tags
after reviewing the code, than merging pull requests (and handling
possible conflicts etc) - this should be a role of tool maintainer.

> Some issues with this:
> 1) There is no longer any reason for the community member (and author
> of the contributed component) to be a member of the 2nd github
> organization (no nice badge on their github profile, which for some
> may serve as incentive to contribute)
> 2) If everything is to be reviewed before merging, then there is less
> of a reason to have a separate qubesos-contrib org in the first place.
> 3) How should patches to these contributed components from people
> other than the original author be handled? Should we require they be
> merged (or at least OK'd, perhaps with some timeout) by the original
> author?
> [1]: 
> https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2016/05/30/build-security/#the-sources-verification-bug

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
Version: GnuPG v2


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