On 05/28/2017 02:00 PM, Reg Tiangha wrote:
> On 05/28/2017 01:14 PM, Finsh wrote:
>> oh ok, thanks.well, that is very unfortunate.so i will have to use the 
>> debian-9 template for sys-net.
> Well, that's not exactly true. You could take that fedora-24 (or
> fedora-24-minimal) template, clone it, and then upgrade the clone to
> Fedora 25.
>     [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-clone fedora-24 fedora-25
>     [user@dom0 ~]$ truncate -s 5GB /var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img
>     [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-run -a fedora-25 gnome-terminal
>     [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-block -A fedora-25
> dom0:/var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img
>     [user@fedora-25 ~]$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdi
>     [user@fedora-25 ~]$ sudo mount /dev/xvdi /mnt/removable
>     [user@fedora-25 ~]$ sudo dnf clean all
>     [user@fedora-25 ~]$ sudo dnf --releasever=25
> --setopt=cachedir=/mnt/removable distro-sync
> (Shut down TemplateVM by any normal means.)
>     [user@dom0 ~]$ rm /var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img
>     [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-trim-template fedora-25
> Assuming Network Manager is already installed in that fedora-24
> template, it should get upgraded to version 1.4.0 after the whole
> template gets upgraded to Fedora 25. Be warned that there maybe be some
> graphical bugs still present with some applications due to the switch to
> Wayland, which is why I think there's no official Qubes Fedora 25
> template even though there's already an official FC25 Qubes repository.
> But for something as sys-net, it should work fine; I had that running on
> my laptop for a while before I switched my sys-net to Debian 9.

Ugh. Word-wrap screwed up the commands. Let me try again:

In dom0:

    [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-clone fedora-24 fedora-25
    [user@dom0 ~]$ truncate -s 5GB /var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img
    [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-run -a fedora-25 gnome-terminal
    [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-block -A fedora-25 
dom0:/var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img (all one line)

Then open a terminal on the fedora-25 template and run:

    [user@fedora-25 ~]$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdi
    [user@fedora-25 ~]$ sudo mount /dev/xvdi /mnt/removable
    [user@fedora-25 ~]$ sudo dnf clean all
    [user@fedora-25 ~]$ sudo dnf --releasever=25 
--setopt=cachedir=/mnt/removable distro-sync (all one line)

Shut down TemplateVM by any normal means. Then in dom0:

    [user@dom0 ~]$ rm /var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img
    [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-trim-template fedora-25

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