On Sun, 3 Dec 2017 03:03:59 +0100
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <marma...@invisiblethingslab.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On Sat, Dec 02, 2017 at 01:02:52AM -0800, Joe Hemmerlein wrote:
> > Danke, Stephan, your pointers were very valuable!
> > 
> > At first, I decided to just borrow an external DVD drive and boot
> > off a DVD burned from the ISO, in UEFI mode. The result however was
> > the same as when booting from my previously-created USB stick: grub
> > boots, but no matter what i select, the screen briefly flashes and
> > takes me back to grub. So.. yeah, the ISO image does not appear to
> > be usable out of the box on some UEFI devices, even when burning it
> > to a DVD.
> > 
> > Your description of the livecd-tools helped make good progress, but
> > still without ability to boot the installer completely, but they
> > sent me in the right direction. I then found
> > https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/4VsKdxnKHBk,
> > which described a process very similar to yours (it omits the part
> > about using dosfslabel, but has a part about also updating the
> > xen.cfg file).
> > 
> > Altogether, this did the trick!  
> Thanks for posting detailed instruction. And for the pull request for
> qubes-doc!
> > In condensed form, this is what i did to create a USB install stick
> > that works with UEFI on the T470: 1. Use the "livecd-iso-to-disk"
> > utility from fedora livecd-tools to put the ISO image onto an USB
> > stick 2. rename the USB stick's partition label to BOOT 3. edit
> > the /BOOT/EFI/xen.cfg file on the USB stick's partition to make
> > sure all LABEL=<something> instances are replaced with LABEL=BOOT  
> Does anyone have an idea what the difference livecd-iso-to-disk make,
> compared to isohybrid? If possible, we'd like to installation iso work
> out of the box on UEFI systems, including new ones...
> I wonder if Fedora netinst iso (_not_ Live iso) boot on such new
> hardware, after directly dd-ing it to USB stick. Can you check that?
> Just see if installer starts. It's here:
>     https://alt.fedoraproject.org/
> If that would work, I can try to find what is different about those
> images and fix Qubes iso.
> - -- 

Hi Marek,

Even using that network iso to boot my Dell XPS 15 (2017), I still need
to add the option "modprobe.blacklist=nouveau" to the boot command line
to allow the installer to work.  Without that option, the installer
gets a 'stuck cpu' error, with the stack trace showing the nouveau
driver as the culprit.

I could not figure out how to edit the xen.cfg file to add the option
there - others seem to have managed to do that though.

Best wishes,


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