Aaron W. Hsu wrote:

> This is true in general, but I think the assertion was that two 
> procedures that do not need closures to run correctly, can only be 
> observationally different or distinct if they have different code bodies.
> I am not seeing a fault in this reasoning off the top of my head.

You are speaking as though whether a procedure needs a closure
to run correctly is a simple binary choice.  It is not.

The following example is almost exactly the same as the example
I gave in my post of 9 May:

(define (f m n)
  (define (g i)
    (define (h j)
      (if (= j 0)
          (g (- j 1))))
    (if (< i 0) 
        (if (= i m)
            h           ; must a closure be allocated here?
        (h (- i 1))))
  (g n))

With the R6RS semantics, a compiler is allowed to rewrite the
escaping reference to h as (lambda (j) (h j)), which means the
closure will be allocated only if i<0 and i=m.  With that
rewrite, f allocates no storage at all if its second argument
is non-negative.

With the R6RS semantics, most calls to f are unlikely to need
closures, yet the code vector alone is inadequate to distinguish
proc1 and proc2 defined via

(define proc1 (f -1 -1))
(define proc2 (f -2 -2))

With the R5RS semantics, closures (or unique tags, which are
almost as expensive as closures) will probably have to be
allocated for every call to f and for every internal call to g.
Since most calls to g occur within a tight loop, creating and
garbage-collecting those closures or unique tags is likely to
dominate the running time.  That's a high price to pay for a
theoretically inelegant misfeature that's seldom used correctly
in portable code.


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