Alex Shinn wrote:

> One more thing - how was (expt 0 z) extended to
> return 0 for complex z?  The approaches I've tried
> would result in NaN, and indeed this seems to be
> what most implementations return.

You may be misinterpreting the R6RS.  (expt 0 z) returns zero
if the real part of z is positive.  If z is zero, then it's
supposed to return zero.  If z is non-zero and its real part
is zero or negative, then implementations are free to return
whatever number object they like, or to raise an exception
with condition type &implementation-restriction.

Implementation is straightforward.  Here is Larceny's code:

(define (expt x y)

  ; x is nonzero, and y is an exact natural number.                             

  (define (e x y)
    (cond ((= y 0)
          ((odd? y)
           (* x (e x (- y 1))))
           (let ((v (e x (quotient y 2))))
             (* v v)))))

  (cond ((zero? x)
         (let ((result (cond ((= y 0) 1)
                             ((> (real-part y) 0) 0)
                             (else +nan.0))))
           (if (and (exact? x) (exact? y))
               (exact->inexact result))))
        ((and (exact? y) (integer? y))
         (if (negative? y)
             (/ (expt x (abs y)))
             (e x y)))
         (exp (* y (log x))))))


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