On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 12:39 AM,  <w...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> Although some implementors of the R6RS may have principled
> reasons for implementing expt in non-conforming fashion, I
> can't imagine what those reasons might be and I haven't heard
> of any such reasons.  I suspect you're talking about mere
> bugs in those existing implementations of the R6RS.
> I could list a great many bugs that I've found in existing
> implementations of R6RS arithmetic.  Could you explain why
> you want to discuss these particular bugs?

I'm following up on a complaint on the scheme-reports
public discussion list.  The R7RS formal comments
period is over, but we're still getting a trickle of informal

When comparing implementations I'm also looking at
R5RS implementations.  However in the absence of
either a mathematical basis or rough consensus among
implementations, I'm hard-pressed to defend this


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