On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 04:56:05AM -0400, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Currently, in main Racket reader, `#:` starts a keyword, as in `#:foo`.
> Who on this email list would also like (or not like) `:` to start a
> keyword, as in `:foo`?


Thanks a lot for asking. I would like to have colon keywords, straight,
i.e. ":keyword" rather than "#:keyword".

> And, if you want the reader to also support `:foo`, would you want
> the writer to default to writing `:foo` rather than `#:foo` (and how
> much would you want that)?  And in the documentation?

I would like to go for :keyword everywhere, if possible.

> (I've wanted "colon keywords" since keywords were first added to
> Racket, but have been dutifully enduring the "hash-colon", rather
> than make anyone who uses my open source packages depend on an
> additional package for my own variant of `#lang racket/base`.  But,
> after many years of this, I still dislike typing and looking at
> `#:`.  I know some people don't understand why anyone cares (or
> suspect bikeshedding), but I get the impression that this is getting
> into cog-sci differences between individual programmers. 

Like you, I "suffer" but if it could be reduced a bit, then the world
could maybe become a better place, or something.

> Maybe one way to look at it is a vague "programmer preference", like
> light vs.  dark screen background, rather than try to argue that no
> one should

I believe those indifferent to light will begin noticing it if they
keep programming (or just staring at the screen) whole days while
entering their fourties.

> want to do it that way.  Then the question might be: how popular is
> this "colon keyword" programmer preference?  Which is why I'm asking
> the email list.)

I happen to read/write code in various LISP flavours (but I am not as
sophistocated as such statement would imply). :keywords are what other
LISPs seem to be doing (Common Lisp, Elisp, Gauche the Scheme dialect
- this is what I have spotted so far). I think reusing some
s-expressions between all those could definitely become easier with

Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.      **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home    **
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...      **
**                                                                 **
** Tomasz Rola          mailto:tomasz_r...@bigfoot.com             **

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