Given the debate about how to implement an "inherit" functionality for something that already exists with r:content, I'd say this is bloat.

I think there is a benefit in the user interface though, to have a text field rather than a text area to manage a small amount of content so I could be persuaded to leave it in for that reason. But I think that another option there might be to simply create a new way to add page parts in text fields near the title area (I don't recall what shards calls it). Add a part as a big text area in the tabs or add it as a text field. They could be functionally the same, but depending on the scenario they encourage (or discourage) a user in entering a certain amount of text.

I use page parts on the home page, for example, to allow users to alter things like the footer text on their site. Adding "Copyright 2008 Super Happy Funtime Inc." in a big text area isn't ideal (because of the size of the text vs the size of the area given) but it does the job. And it easily is inherited on every page.

I recall seeing the request for r:meta on Trac a long time ago and just figured it wouldn't be added.

I think, however, that something like a "truncate" attribute makes sense even for both cases... You can have users fill out a description part, or just use the first 50 characters (for example) of the body and use that in your meta tags. This would of course cause problems with HTML being entered so that would take a little more thinking.

Having said all of that, I don't think its a major detriment that it exists, but I don't think it is necessary and probably shouldn't exist in the future.

Should I feel out of place in this conversation since my last name isn't Cribbs? ;-)


On May 19, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:


That's great. In response to Jim, it was a common enough use case for people who do SEO for their sites and such a low overhead to implement, it seemed like a reasonable thing to add. I'd appreciate debates on this matter, however, as I'm open to culling superfluous code from the core.


Jamey Cribbs wrote:
I just implemented what Jim suggested in my project and it works
great.  I created a meta_keywords and a meta_description page part in
the pages that I want the tags.  The nice thing is that you can use
the inherit="true" parameter.

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Jim Gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm curious about why r:meta was implemented. Couldn't you get the same result by using page parts and dropping them in the appropriate place in
your layout?
I haven't used r:meta yet, so perhaps I'm unaware of some particular benefit


On May 19, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:

Personally, I'd like to see inheritance of meta info be optional and not
the default.


Chris Parrish wrote:

I just wanted to mention that I just noticed this change and am glad to see it implemented in core as well. It eliminates the need for my page_meta

I too, like the inheritance idea (an optional attribute of the tag) but I would also like to see a feature I had implemented in my extension.

I the 'tag' attribute (mine was 'as_tag'), I had allowed true | false | unless_blank for the reverse case that Jamey is mentioning. I have sites where I *don't* want keywords to inherit. They need to be explicitly defined or else the page gets none. So, by using the 'unless_blank' option, I was able to prevent the page from kicking out an empty set of <meta> tags. I'd be happy to write up a patch for this if others think that this would
be helpful.


Jamey Cribbs wrote:

First of all, thanks very much to the dev team for all of the latest
release activity.  It is greatly appreciated!

I do have a question about the new metatags fields for keywords and description. These work great, but I noticed that there is no way to set them to inherit (unless I am missing something). It does not look like you can set these fields on a parent page and have the children inherit them. I thought that this would be the desired behavior, but
maybe I am missing something.


Jamey Cribbs
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