Thank you for this, Casper.
I'm a Dreamhost customer and and this has cleaned up some 'failed to
start' problems I've been having.
Its also made deploying some examples I have on my laptop easier since
now I can just have Apache deal with them on an as-needed basis instead
of having to do a "cd ~/Ruby/<application>; ./script/server &" each time.

However there is one aspect of deploying on Dreamhost that I'd like to
ask the group here about, and that is getting the content of the
database out there.

My first deployment of Radiant on Dreamhost last year I had developed on
my laptop using SQlite3.  The laptop runs Linux, not Windows.  I used a
CSS file in the file system (lacking sophistication and understanding of
Radiant at that time).  I SFTP'd the files, including the database, to
the Dreamhost machine but the application wouldn't start.  It couldn't
open the database.  I don't know if this was a word-length, library or
version problem.  The application content was small enough that I could
create a new database on Dreamhost and paste the pages in.

Radiant is more sophisticated now.  The sites I'm developing use
extensions such as attachments, galleries, and of course the brilliant
styles_n_scripts.  Even before the site content is added there is a lot
of the site structure in the database now.  And before adding 'real'
content I find that I lay out the hierarchy/structure and few pieces of
boilerplate like a 'site map', 'About', and content and feedback pages.

So I have a very simple problem of how do I get this database that I've
developed as a the template or basic site content out to Dreamhost?

Reality is that by the time I've worked a bit it is more than just a
template, not least of all because the actual CSS and actual logos and
and snippets that deal with names etc are in the database too, as well
as many place-holders.  You know how it goes.

I've just spent a very futile week prior to deploying my new web site on
Dreamhost trying to convert a Sqlite3 database to a MySQL database on my
laptop.  I tried this so that I could "debug" any problems ahead of time.

There have been nothing but problems.  I have had no success.

I started with the import/export extension.  It doesn't work.  At the
very least it only knows about some of the tables.  I corresponded with
Sean about the problem and tried his suggestions.  Zilch.

I also searched the web.  There are many articles about converting
Sqlite3 to MySQL.  The ones on the MySQL site are plain wrong!  Others
admit to things like differencing SQL syntax but their 'fixes' are
incomplete.  Even after much hand editing of the Sqlite3 ".dump" file
MySQL kept erroring. Some problems I could not find any reason for even
though the revised syntax was A-OK according to the MySQL documentation.

Chris Dwan posted a tool that allowed copy from one DB to another.
I'm going to try this today on my laptop.  I'll report on how it goes.

However there is still the problem of getting the database running on
Dreamhost and getting content into it there.

The reason I'm writing about this at length is that I am very surprised
that Rails doesn't have tools for all this as part of its baseline.
Rails2 has moved to Sqlite3 as its default, and that's fine for
development.  But I get to wonder if there are going to be more projects
that are like Radiant in that the database has a template and structure
that is part of the application and needs to be 'portable' as well.

Rails really needs something that can do database export/import in a
comprehensive and complete manner.

Casper Fabricius said the following on 03/06/08 03:17 AM:
> Hi Nate,
> I recently updated the guide for deploying Radiant to Dreamhost,  
> another shared host:
> I don't know Railsplayground, but assuming you have SSH access you  
> should be able to follow this guide, substituting the steps for  
> creating the website and a database with whatever you do at  
> Railsplayground. Also, my blog entry has examples of rolling two  
> popular extensions into the deployment package:

Expecting life to treat your fairly because you are a good person is
like expecting an angry bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.
   -- Shari R Barr
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