Sean Cribbs wrote:
> What does this mean for you?
> 1) The Radiant core application is separated from all of the ancillary
> projects, including extensions.
> 2) Extensions are in individual repos, making it easier to develop them
> in parallel.
> 3) You can watch or ignore whichever parts of the project interest you 
> most.
> 4) We will have an extension registry and install/uninstall sooner
> rather than later!
> 5) Extensions will get more attention as we will be able to bring in
> more contributors who are interested most in specific extensions.
> 6) We will soon support rake radiant:freeze:edge pulling from the git 
> repo.
> 7) We will be phasing out the old SVN repository, which happens to be
> several commits old anyway because git-svn broke on me.

This is all great news.  Rock on.
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