On Jul 8, 2008, at 2:43 PM, Tim Gossett wrote:
On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Sean Cribbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Or I'm thinking that inclusive="true" might be good since we've got mostly
true/false for extra attributes on r:content

<r:content [part="part_name"] [inherit="true|false"]
[contextual="true|false"] />
<r:if_content [part="part_name, other_part"]  [inherit="true|false"]
<r:unless_content [part="part_name, other_part"] [inherit="true| false"]

inclusive="true" being the default (meaning AND)

Would either of those be clear to everyone?
I'd personally opt for the first (select="all") for clarity of meaning.

I'm tempted to shy away from all of this and create a new tag like
<r:if_any_part part="one, two"> and <r:if_all_parts...> but I think that that will add more complexity in the long run. I don't think the answer is more tags. If the r:if_content chooses a reasonable default and provides an easy override with select="any" then communicating its use and purpose to
users will be relatively simple.

I agree that adding a boolean attribute would stay in the spirit of the
original tags. I'm not sure if 'inclusive' is the clearest but it's a good
start.  Some other options:


Of these two, I like requireall="true|false"
Your thoughts?

I think find="all|any" is the clearest of what we've discussed so far.

Perhaps, but I think any="true | false" is pretty clear.

Making the attribute's value boolean for the sake of conformity doesn't seem to outweigh clarity. Also, what if we want to add something with the effect of find="XOR" or find="NOR" or find="NAND"? If we were to add all of these,
we'd have

I'm currently trying to implement based on my real-world needs. Anything hypothetical is probably not worthwhile.

<r:content [part="part_name"] [inherit="true,false"]
[contextual="true,false"] /> (I'm not quite sure what contextual does, but
I'll read about it when 0.6.8 is released... looking forward to it!)

This already exists in 0.6.7 (and previous versions I believe) so take a look at your "Available Tags"

<r:if_content [part="part_name,other_part"] [inherit="true,false"]
[find="all,any,either,neither,none"] />
<r:unless_content [part="part_name,other_part"] [inherit="true,false"]
[find="all,any,either,neither,none"] />

With those extra values, there's some overlap with unless_content, but I
like the flexibility.


I find that confusing and unnecessary. If you have a real example of where you have already had the need for something like that I'd say there's an argument for it, but I think that's way more complex than anyone would regularly need. In my opinion it would be fine as an extension.

if_content (the next version) takes a list of parts, not just 1 or 2, so 'either' and 'neither' don't really make sense in there. 'none' is handled by unless_content, so we're back to 'all' and 'any' (in my opinion).

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