peterw;491061 Wrote: 
> Volume-hold won't work since that means change volume quickly, but
> that's a nice idea for an ip3k UI using my ContextMenu plugin. I
> wouldn't bother with a Jive UI, as my understanding of the core/jive
> context menu in 7.4 is that it's too dumb/primitive (iiuc, 7.4 jive
> context menus depend on line-items, not player state).
> .
> Danke!

OK, didn't know that with the volume-hold, don't use the controller
very often.
I didn't mean to say it really has to be 7.4's context menu
functionality, probably bad wording. What I meant was that you could
bring up a menu with the items

Volume Player 1
Volume Player 2

And if you select one of those, a volume control slider comes up.
Unfortunately you can't embed a slider directly into a menu like in
iPeng, AFAIK.

Would need some other key, though...


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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