aubuti wrote: 
> ...if you want to connect a SB to an amp and speakers, do not use a SB
> Radio. Instead use a SB2, SB3/Classic or Touch.
In a world where Logitech knew what it had with Squeezebox and the
wonderful devices you named were still being made and advertised, I
would completely agree with this. Alas, there is no Squeezebox Super
Bowl ad and beginners are left to scrounge for what they can find at a
reasonable price.  For $138 delivered from Amazon there is no reason for
a person who says "I just want stream .flac music files" not to buy a
Radio and use the headphone out to a hi-fi:

If based on this initial experience he decides to get more invested in
Squeezebox, the Radio can always be relegated to a secondary role; it
even comes with a battery.

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