bpa wrote: 
> This could be a mistake or a broadcast rights issue on a specific
> podcast.
> Can you give the full title of a specific problem episode and I'll try
> to see what is happening and see if the broadcast is available using the
> BBCiPlayerExtra plugin.
Generic Podcast title: Best of Natural History Radio. 
Specific podcast problem title: 'Living World: My Living World: Jackdaw
Roost' from BBC, Sunday, December 15, 2019 (21:34) gives an error: 403
Forbidden and won't play.
Specific podcast title: 'Natural Histories: Aye-Aye' from BBC, Friday,
November 29, 2019 (27:38) plays just fine. 
Thank you for your help and let's hope for a successful outcome from
your investigations.

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