on 5/8/11 10:37 PM, A D at deguzman.al...@gmail.com wrote:

> Do you ride up to the peak in the 42-19 gear?  I live a couple of
> miles from base of Mt Diablo on the Danville side but was always
> afraid to ride up on my low 44-19.

If the 44x19 is fixed, that's a pretty good gear for it. ~62 inches?  I've
done it both on the fixed setup (always better for climbing) and stock
coastable gearing of 40x18 (~60 inches).

The last pitch up to the top is a killer for high gearing.  But most of it
isn't "steep" steep.  You just have to keep calm and stay methodical and
optimistic.  Rest when you need to.

Oh, and keep in mind that Jeremy is kind of a monster... ;^)

- J

Jim Edgar

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