A Rivendell story:
Grant and Rivendell restored my interest and joy in bicycles and riding in 
1998 or 1999.
I had some beautiful bikes back in the late 70's and early 80's; Mercian, 
Trek, Woodrup.  Got a good ten years of riding through college and grad 
school, but then career and family sort of got in the way, and I didn't 
ride for probably ten years.  Then, in the mid to late 90's, I started 
looking at bikes again, but they were strange - - I felt no connection or 
affinity for these bikes of the late 90's.   I just couldn't get interested 
in those bikes; they held no currency for me.
One night I was drinking beer at the Reverend Rex's house, complaining 
about how I didn't like modern bikes.  He handed me a Rivendell catalog - 
and baby that was all she wrote.  I saw steel, wool, and a less 
commercialized/boy-racer approach, and was immediately charmed.  A week 
later, I stopped in Rivendell WHQ, got some wool shorts, then picked up a 
Heron Road, and started riding again.  Got some Rolly-Polly that breathed 
new life into an old Jack Taylor, and eventually ordered a Rivendell Road 
Now, life is filled with the rides, commutes, fellowship, and challenges 
that come from the bike.  
Life is richer when you ride your bike a lot.   Thanks, Grant.

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