I have memories of a job in an interlibrary loan department where I 
occasionally had to work with whatever scrap of data I could lay my hands on to 
find the books people had requested.

On one occasion, I had limited information to use to search for nearly 
identical books, which were otherwise not well distinguished from each other. I 
turned to the page count to be the deciding factor to find the match requested.

RDA Chapter 3 describes Extent as fulfilling the Select user task, but there is 
an additional blurb in RDA 3.0 that speaks to the real world situation I 

"These elements are also used to identify a resource (i.e., to distinguish 
between resources with similar characteristics)."

[By the way, note James' mischaracterization of the FRBR user tasks as limited 
to left-anchored browse searches. His critique of the user tasks as limited to 
finding, identifying, selecting, and obtaining entities (in his words) "by 
their authors, titles and subjects" indicates he has not read FRBR. All the 
elements come into play, not just those used to form left-anchored search 
strings. And all the entities are potential entities of interest, not just 
WEMI. In addition, the critique breaks down further when one considers FRAD and 
FRSAD, with the much wider scope of entities considered, and additional user 
tasks identified.]
Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Stephen Early
Sent: July-30-13 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] ] The "A" in RDA

I agree with Kevin on this one. Here's my own FISO example involving an online 
commercial search engine. Recently, I intended to purchase a book for my Amazon 
Kindle, but couldn't remember the author or the title, only recalling that it 
was a collection of short stories on a particular topic. I guessed on some 
search-words in Google (FIND) which led to an entry containing an exact author 
and title that appeared to match what I was looking for (can't remember if it 
was a direct link to Amazon, a review, or a Wikipedia article) (IDENTIFY). I 
then opened up Amazon and searched the exact author and title, found the exact 
entry I was looking for, then clicked on the "Kindle version," (SELECT) and 
then completed my purchase (OBTAIN).


Stephen T. Early
Center for Research Libraries
6050 S. Kenwood
Chicago, IL  60637
773-955-4545 x326
CRL website: www.crl.edu<http://www.crl.edu>

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Kevin M Randall
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] ] The "A" in RDA

And yet again I get a long, rambling response that goes nowhere near answering 
my question.  The only thing that comes remotely close is the statement:

Today, there are brand new ways of searching, by keyword, by citations, by 
"likes" of others, or of your friends, of your friend's friends, or even their 
friends, by the idiosyncracies of your own personal profile, and by who knows 
what else, but the method uses all kinds of algorithms.

And yet all of these things are very clearly part of the FRBR user tasks.  They 
are all about FINDing, IDENTIFYing, SELECTing, and OBTAINing entities based on 
various criteria.


Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Northwestern University Library
(847) 491-2939

Proudly wearing the sensible shoes since 1978!

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of James Weinheimer
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] ] The "A" in RDA

On 29/07/2013 21:31, Kevin M Randall wrote:
Even after a few years of hearing this, I'm still trying to figure out what are 
these "other types of tasks" users have that do not fit into the FRBR user 
tasks.  Would it be possible to list just a few of them?  And not dissertations 
about them, but just some succinct examples.  I have a feeling (a very strong 
one) that if we're able to come to agreement about the meaning of the FRBR 
tasks there would be much less disagreement about what users are actually doing.

I have already done this several times.

The FRBR user tasks (one more time) are to be able to find, identify, select, 
and obtain (what?) works, expressions, manifestations, and items (how?) by 
their authors, titles and subjects. (Again, this is short-hand because nobody 
wants to obtain all items of a work)

Please show us how you can do this in Google, or Yahoo. Sure, you can search by 
Mark Twain, but there is no telling what you will get, and certainly not 
anywhere near works, expressions... and so on. Show us how you can do the FRBR 
user tasks even in the LC library catalog. I have demonstrated this often 
enough, for instance in my podcast "Problems with Library Catalogs" 
 I showed how something that worked more or less intuitively in print fell 
apart in the virtual, online environment.

It is *impossible* to do the FRBR user tasks in Google, Yahoo, and the like, 
but the uncomfortable fact is: people prefer Google, Yahoo and the like to 
library catalogs--that is, unless someone wants to dispute that. While the FRBR 
user tasks can be done (after a fashion) in the current LC catalog, if you are 
to do it, you must search by left-anchored textual strings, and even then, 
things fall apart because of the problems of alphabetical arrangement in the 
computer. In printed library catalogs, or card catalogs, the uniform title 
"Works" came in logical order: first under a personal name heading. This was 
clear enough to the searcher from the arrangement of the catalog. In the OPAC 
however, you have to look under the author's name, and then scroll to "W", so 
e.g. if you want the different versions of Twain's complete works, you have to 
search: find author: "Twain, Mark,[date]" and then scroll dozens of screens to 
"W". *Nobody* will *ever* do that, unless as I mentioned earlier, someone wants 
to dispute that people will do it. Even I refuse to do it although I know how 
it works.

Today, there are brand new ways of searching, by keyword, by citations, by 
"likes" of others, or of your friends, of your friend's friends, or even their 
friends, by the idiosyncracies of your own personal profile, and by who knows 
what else, but the method uses all kinds of algorithms. I did an entire podcast 
on Search 
 Plus there are all different new types of "items" that defy what anybody knew 
of before. To be blown away by new types of searching and new ideas, you can 
watch Daniel Russell's talk at Princeton University awhile back: "What Does It 
Mean To Be Literate in the Age of Google?" 

This is the reality for those who want to accept it. The FRBR user tasks, 
although I won't argue that some people may still want to do them occasionally 
(such as myself), are 19th-century conceptions and comprise the minority of 
what people want. Let's at least bring these tasks up to late 20th century, if 
not to really modern times.

We can pretend that nothing has changed since Panizzi's days; that what he and 
the other greats of the 19th century spoke of are immutable and forever. But 
don't be surprised if libraries end up totally forgotten and remembered as 
curious remnants of times past.
James Weinheimer weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com<mailto:weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com>
First Thus http://catalogingmatters.blogspot.com/
First Thus Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/FirstThus
Cooperative Cataloging Rules http://sites.google.com/site/opencatalogingrules/
Cataloging Matters Podcasts 

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