"If I want an English translation of a work, why would I want to
know about the original and other translations?"

I think the operative word here is "I". What if
someone else wants to know, either a researcher or a library staff member
doing collection development?

The catalog serves many purposes
for many types of users on many levels, which makes it hard to fit into a
retail model of "I want it, here it is." The catalog is part of
the research process in addition to being a delivery mechanism.

Cindy Wolff


> James
>>The structure of the card catalog allowed
people to do the FRBR user
>>tasks (where--for those who
understood--people really and truly could
works/expressions/manifestation/items by
authors/titles/subjects (or at least they could if the catalogers
>>had done their jobs correctly).
> I am second
to none in deploring the loss of some features of the card
catalogue.  But in addition to cataloguers doing their job, those
> cards had to be filed.  At the end of the card catalogue era, this
> becoming increasingly difficult in larger academic
institutions.  Some
> student filers were dumping cards rather
that filing them.  Escaping
> card filing was a major improvement
provided by OPACs, right up there
> with keyword searching.  In
Canada, micro or print catalgues produced
> by Utlas ending filing
for many libraries prior to OPACs.
> I agree with your
basic position on FRBR.  If I want an English
> translation of a
work, why would I want to know about the original and
> other
translations?  Certainly I am not interested in knowing about
resources not in the collection, when looking for immediate access.
> Few libraries for which we catalogue would have the array of
> expressions and manifestations to display.
> Since in Bibframe translations are different works rather than
> different expressions of one work, FRBR does not seem to be central
> Bibframe's structure, although there will be links relating
> works.  Unfortunately, FRBR and WEMI organization of RDA
do make RDA
> difficult to comprehend.   Theory trumped
>    __       __   J. McRee
(Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
>   {__  |   /     Special Libraries
Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
>   ___} |__

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