On 7/5/12, Alan Manuel Gloria <almkg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> existing meaning in other languages, we avoid it.  Incidentally, "."
> has a meaning in general western written languages: it ends sentences.



END = .


The "END" rule, in words:

1.  Outside of an explicitly delimited list context (i.e. outside of
() [] {}), a "." surrounded by whitespace means "END the expression at
the current indentation".  Any elements to the left (if any) of the
END are considered as part of the expression to the left.  Any other
elements (if any) to the right of the END on the same line are
considered as part of a new expression at the same (current)
indentation.  If END is at the start of a line, it's OK - the END has
no effect other than to denote indentation - succeeding elements on
the same line are put on the same expression.   Multiple END markers
can exist on a single line.

2.  As a side effect of the proviso of the above rule, a "." on a line
all by itself without any other elements, with a given indentation,
can be used to further indent succeeding lines:

    var  . fun  value
    var2 . fun2 value2
  expr(var var2)

3.  As another side effect of the proviso of rule 1, a "." at the
start of the line can be used to give the *appearance* of indentation
without giving the *actuality* of indentation:

  . map
  . list-b


At the parser spec level, all we do is replace current meanings of
SPLICE and GROUP with END, and remove the SPLICE-at-the-eol rule.



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