Okay, I've tried to write down my thoughts on WHY I think restart lists are a 
good idea.

Comments welcome.  A better name is welcome for sure :-).

BTW, I have a draft BNF and action rules, but don't take them seriously for 
restart lists; I used them more for experimentation.

--- David A. Wheeler

<h2 id="reserved">Restart lists (&lt;* ... *&gt;)</h2>
Sweet-expressions without restart lists (&lt;* ... *&gt;)
work well in a vast number of circumstances.
However, they can be somewhat awkward for two typical use cases:
<li>A long sequence of definitions contained within an initial statement.
This situation occurs in many library definition structures such as
Scheme R7RS <tt>define-library</tt> and in some larger data structures.</li>
<li>A let-style statement with one or two variables
with short initial values.</li>
Let's begin with the first use case.
When there is a long sequence of definitions contained within an
initial statement, and no special notation like restart lists,
all the definitions in the long sequence must be
indented and none can be separated by a blank line
(since that would end the entire sequence, not just a definition).
Indenting almost an entire file is annoying, and needing no blank lines
for that long invites mistakes.

For example, here's an example from the R7RS Scheme specification
for define-library:
  (example grid)
  (export make rows cols ref each (rename put! set!))
  (import (scheme base))
    (define (make n m)
      (let ((grid (make-vector n)))
        (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
            ((= i n) grid)
          (let ((v (make-vector m #f alse)))
            (vector-set! grid i v)))))
    (define (rows grid) (vector-length grid))
    (define (cols grid)
      (vector-length (vector-ref grid 0)))
    (define (ref grid n m)
      (and (< -1 n (rows grid))
           (< -1 m (cols grid))
           (vector-ref (vector-ref grid n) m)))
    (define (put! grid n m v)
      (vector-set! (vector-ref grid n) m v))))
This is easily reformatted into this sweet-expression:
  example grid
  export make rows cols ref each rename(put! set!)
  import scheme(base)
    define make(n m)
      let (grid(make-vector(n)))
        do (i(0 {i + 1}))
        ! {i = n} grid
        ! let (v(make-vector(m #f alse))) vector-set!(grid i v)
    define rows(grid) vector-length(grid)
    define cols(grid) vector-length(vector-ref(grid 0))
    define ref(grid n m)
        {-1 < n < rows(grid)}
        {-1 < m < cols(grid)}
        vector-ref vector-ref(grid n) m
    define put!(grid n m v) vector-set!(vector-ref(grid n) m v)

But there are reasons that sweet-expressions are defined the way they are.
It is fundamental that a child line is indented from its parent, since
that is the point of indentation.
Opening a parentheses intentionally disables indentation processing;
this is what developers typically expect (note that both Python and
SRFI-49 do this), and it also makes sweet-expressions very
backwards-compatible with traditional s-expressions.
Ending a definition at a blank line is very convenient for interactive use,
and interactive and file notation should be identical
(since people often switch between them).
Changing all of sweet-expressions, just to handle this particular case,
does not seem warranted.

Now let's look at the second use case.
The sweet-expression notation cleanly handles cases where let-expression
variables have complex values (e.g., using \\), but for simple cases
(1-2 variables having short initial values)
it can take up more vertical space than traditional formatting.
Using a leading "$" takes up somewhat less vertical space, but it still
takes up an additional line for a trivial case, it does not work
the same way for let expressions with 2 variables,
and David A. Wheeler thinks it is a rather unclear construction.
You can also use parenthetical notation directly, but this is
relatively ugly and it is annoying to need to do this for a common case.
A similar argument applies to do-expressions, and these are
not at all unusual in Scheme code:
let  ; Using \\ takes up a lot of vertical space in simple cases
    x 5
  {x + x}

    x 5
    y 7
  {x + x}

let  ; Less vertical space, but 1 variable only
  $ x 5
  {x + 5}

; Note "$ x 5 $ y 7" isn't right; that maps to ((x 5 (y 7))).

; The two-variable format can be surprising and does not let the
; programmer emphasize the special nature of the variable assignments
; (compared to the later expressions in a let statement).
  x(5) y(7)
  {x + 5}

let (x(5)) ; Use parentheses
  {x + x}
let (x(5) y(7))
  {x + x}

A <i>restart list</i> is surrounded by the markers &lt;* and *&gt;.
The &lt;* and *&gt; represent opening and closing
parentheses, but restart indentation processing
at the left edge instead of disabling indentation processing.
The purpose of restart lists is to make it easy to clearly
express these and similar use cases.

In a restart list, the rest of the text after the initial &lt;*
is treated specially.
That's because this initial line will be far more indented than
text in future lines (if any) of the restart list, and it would confusing
if the first line of an expression is more indented than its children.
It also makes it possible to have special semantics especially tuned
to work cleanly on common cases.

Here are examples of the same constructs, using restart lists:
  example grid
  export make rows cols ref each rename(put! set!)
  import scheme(base)
  begin &lt;*

define make(n m)
  let (grid(make-vector(n)))

let &lt;* x 5 *&gt;
  {x + x}

let &lt;* x 5 \\ y 7 *&gt;
  {x + x}

The restart list symbols are carefully chosen.
The characters &lt; and &gt; are natural character pairs that are
available in ASCII.
What is more, they are not delimiters, so any underlying
Scheme reader will not immediately stop on reading them
(making it easier to reuse).
The "*" is more arbitrary, but the restart markers need to be multiple
characters to distinguish them from the less-than and greater-than procedures,
and this seemed to be a fairly distinctive token that is rarely used
in existing code.

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