The bit: ; Note "$ x 5 $ y 7" isn't right; that maps to ((x 5 (y 7))).
..should be better placed in a paragraph - I for one tend to skim over source code in the SRFI. -- The bit: Changing all of sweet-expressions, just to handle this particular case, does not seem warranted. ...this doesn't seem to scan well. It seems to introduce an argument to support a position (don't change all of sweet-expressions) but the paragraph it's in doesn't look like it introduces the opposing position. -- You might want to juxtapose: let \\ x $ foo bar use x versus: let <* x $ foo bar *> use x I suggest you use something similar to what you did in use a table so that both examples are side-by-side. I also suggest using the given example above rather than (let ((x 5)) (+ x x)), since it gives a better justification for using RESTARTBEGIN / RESTARTEND : We want to use "foo bar" not "foo(bar)" for stylistic reasons (i.e. foo is a "command" whose return status we want to know, not a "function" that just computes something). -- This bit: begin <* Looks wrong. Shouldn't that be: <* begin ?? Of course, it depends on what, exactly, is meant by <* *>. So maybe: "begin . <*" ?? Sincerely, AmkG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master Java SE, Java EE, Eclipse, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery and much more. Keep your Java skills current with LearnJavaNow - 200+ hours of step-by-step video tutorials by Java experts. SALE $49.99 this month only -- learn more at: _______________________________________________ Readable-discuss mailing list