Alan Manuel Gloria: > So given the above semantics, we can define an R6RS library as so: > > <* > library \\ amkg animals $ 1 0 > export > cat > rename $ rover dog > import > only > amkg pets $ 1 0 > rover > > define cat 'meow > > *>
I just ran your same through my ANTLR processor, which now implements the "sequence of i_expr" semantics. I still need to examine the draft action rules more carefully, but even so, it came up with this: (library ((amkg animals) (1 0)) (export cat (rename (rover dog))) (import (only ((amkg pets) (1 0)) rover)) (define cat (quote meow))) That certainly seems like a plausible interpretation of the example. Do you agree? --- David A. Wheeler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master Java SE, Java EE, Eclipse, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery and much more. Keep your Java skills current with LearnJavaNow - 200+ hours of step-by-step video tutorials by Java experts. SALE $49.99 this month only -- learn more at: _______________________________________________ Readable-discuss mailing list