On 1/17/13, David A. Wheeler <dwhee...@dwheeler.com> wrote:
> Alan Manuel Gloria:
>> So given the above semantics, we can define an R6RS library as so:
>> <*
>> library \\ amkg animals $ 1 0
>> export
>>   cat
>>   rename $ rover dog
>> import
>>   only
>>     amkg pets $ 1 0
>>     rover
>> define cat 'meow
>> *>
> I just ran your same through my ANTLR processor, which now implements the
> "sequence of i_expr" semantics.  I still need to examine the draft action
> rules more carefully, but even so, it came up with this:
> (library
>   ((amkg animals) (1 0))
>   (export cat (rename (rover dog)))
>   (import (only ((amkg pets) (1 0)) rover))
>   (define cat (quote meow)))
> That certainly seems like a plausible interpretation of the example.  Do you
> agree?

Whoa whoa whoa - there seems to be problems with SUBLIST and SPLICE!

amkg animals $ 1 0
(amkg animals (1 0))


define foo(x) $ cond
  { x = 0 } $ bar()
  else      $ core-foo x


(define (foo x) (cond
  ((= x 0) (bar))
  (else (core-foo x))))

So the ((amkg animals) (1 0)) looks wrong here.

In fact:

library \\ amkg animals $ 1 0

...should be equivalent to:

amkg animals $ 1 0

...should be equivalent to:

amkg animals
  1 0

...And then:

(amkg animals
  (1 0))

So something looks wrong....


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