On Fri, 15 May 1998, steven standley wrote:

> Heh gang...   
> I am looking to purchase a tape drive for backup on my home system.
> I have a scsi2 and scsi3UW interface available.
> What I need is recommendations from the list on tape drives 
> that you have purchased and have had little or no problems with.
> Ease of installation is a plus.  In other words I don't want to have to 
> patch kernels and such just to get the thing to work.
> The preference is for a 4mm DDS2 but they are expensive and 
> a whish list item I suppose.

What is your price range? I've been using an Exabyte 8700LT for a year and
its been just dandy. I think it costs around $600 at this point...
compressed, it'll store 14G on a 8mm 160M tape.


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