On 21-May-98 Mike Butler wrote:
> Hello All,
>                 1. Create a Redhat directory on my dos partition
>                 2. Copy the "base" directory to the Redhat directory
>                 3. Copy the RPM directory to the Redhat directory
>                 4. Boot off the boot disk and begin the installation
> Have I missed anything? Will this work?

Precisely what I had to do the first time. Just make sure you get all of
the "TRANS.TBL" thingies so the install can translate them.

If for some reason you have problems, also copy the dosutils directory
the run autoboot from there. That's how I had to do it with 4.2 but, I
had the CD recognized when I did 5.0

Also, if you try to do a dos-copy, you'll get errors on the rpms with a
"++" in the name. If possible, copy them over with 'Doze95 as it has no
problems with those names. The alternative is to to the install without
those files, get the backpack added into fstab (sorry, don't know the
parameters), then add in any of the rpms you missed that you want.

As far as my (limited) memory can tell me, the only ones with a "++" on
them are the development or lib files.

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