Paul Everitt wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Chris McDonough wrote:
>> As a result of messing around with the ZCA + ZCML outside the context
>> of Zope,
>> I've found that it may be possible to significantly reduce the number
>> of egg
>> dependencies of BFG by replacing the code that allows the following ZCML
>> directives to work:
>> - utility
>> - adapter
>> - interface
>> - subscriber
>> As such, I'm thinking of ditching the handlers written "zope"
>> namespace for
>> these directives in favor of handler written in the "bfg" namespace. 
>> So, for
> Interesting idea.  I suppose the decorator syntax wouldn't change, but
> the machinery behind it would.

zope.configuration doesn't provide any decorator syntax, but if you mean the
ZCML syntax, yes, exactly; it wouldn't change for the "utility" or "adapter"
directives.  One "fallout" change would be that instead of:


The view directive would be just:


(because the "bfg" XML namespace would be the default).

>> example, rather than doing:
>>  <configure xmlns="";>
>>  <utility
>>     provides=".interfaces.IFoo"
>>     factory=".foo.Foo"/>
>>  </configure>
>> You would instead do:
>>  <configure xmlns="";>
>>  <utility
>>     provides=".interfaces.IFoo"
>>     factory=".foo.Foo"/>
>>  </configure>
>> The down side of this is that it would mean that existing applications
>> that used
>> ZCML would need to change their ZCML, or they'd at least need to declare
>> "" as an install_requires dependency and do a manual
>> include of the
>> "zope.component" ZCML:
>>  <include package="zope.component" file="meta.zcml" />
> I think it's pretty reasonable to make that requirement in order to get
> that gain.  Meaning, apps would still work with a one-line
> change and a line of ZCML.


>> Creating parallel "adapter", "utility" and "subscriber" handlers is
>> really how I
>> should have started things out, but I didn't, and given that there are
>> people
>> using the system in the wild that this would cause problems for in a new
>> release, I wanted to ask for comments.
>> Here are the dependencies we might be able to shed by doing this:
>> zope.location-3.4.0-py2.4.egg
>> zope.publisher-3.5.4-py2.4.egg
>> zope.traversing-3.5.0a4-py2.4.egg
>> zope.i18n-3.6.0-py2.4.egg
>> pytz-2008i-py2.4.egg
>> My personal opinion is that doing this is "worth it" for the long
>> term.  None of
>> these packages actually *do* anything for bfg apps, they're just
>> required to
>> satisfy dependencies of features we can't use.
> For applications that do a Zope-ish architecture (ZODB, security, etc.),
> how many of those packages would they need to pull in manually?

Security is not a feature provided by any Zope package in a BFG app; ZODB
requires whatever its says it requires.

In terms of the Zope-ish applications we (Agendaless) are developing under BFG,
no changes would need to be made to any "install_requires".

- C

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